Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The return of the prodigal son, Day 8

What was supposed to be light dinner with a friend/colleague turned out to be a ultra-Korean-feast.  My friend went back to work but then I was too full (what an excuse) and went to Barnes & Nobles.  Then went home and researched about Charles Petzold and his new Turing book instead.

But the seafood pancake at Seoul Hot Pot is good... so good that I ate half of it and now still feeling the pancake in my stomach

Moral 1: If I want to accomplish something, then eat quick.

Moral 2: Don't overeat Isaac.  You know the moment you eat the 4th slice that you just won't work after that.

Moral 3: Have a very definite plan of what I need to do at night.  Now I didn't do what I wanted (determined which laptop to buy) and it's like 2 am already.

Goals tomorrow:

  • Buy the laptop
  • Restart the work - cannot let the fire extinguish
  • Eat light

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