Favor asked, favor refused, more questions, then favor (kind of) understood, if not totally granted.
So Thank you.
But as I fear... even I try to avoid as much distraction as possible, there's a big possibility that the resistance is futile.
To conclude my day, it ended up that the biggest distracter is still myself. I started to think - even if I skip whatever activities that I wanted to go because I want to finish this thing, it just probably won't work out as well as I thought. I have countless ways of wasting my time in many things, some of which are of no importance, some just bad, that may be I just better of partying.
Alright that's just one silly thought...
Thesis Progress
I wrote today:
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The next goal tomorrow is to describe how the distribution of clusters affect the applicability of ConcernExtractor: if we find that all of our refactoring targets that belong to the same group are located at the beginning/end of a method body, CE is really not much use. If some are located in the middle of the body, then CE can be useful. If most refactoring target are located in a block, or middle of the method body, then CE is useful because I don't need to create complex pointcut that describes each location of target join point.
Initially I was stucked at pondering if a try block would catch an exception that is thrown by advice of a join point that the try block wraps around. Since I know my computer will just blow up if I install AJDT, and I don't have the Java SDK for now, I cannot test it and need to find some documents that talk about that.
Finally I found the online Aspect J book which explains it. But then my paragraph (point) starts to balloon as I try to explain how complicated the pointcut will be, if I try to create a pointcut expression that describes code inside a loop; or that how I cannot create a common advices if some of the refactoring target that belongs to the same group are located in a try block: I may need to declare that I'm throwing an exception for in some scenario, but not in others if the containing block re-throws it. Since I don't have AspectJ installed (yet) it is hard to really visualize what might happen.
Until I realize that I only need to prove that the Concern Extraction technique will be useful - I don't really need to talk about how complicated the pointcut expression will look for edge cases (at least not for now) and I need to move on first. So it ended up that I cut around 100 words instead of producing it...
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